Houston County Tennessee A sportman's DreamHouston County Tennessee A sportman's Dream

BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN JANUARY 4, 2000 – 6:00 P.M. – ERIN CITY HALL The City of Erin Board of Mayor and Aldermen met in Regulars Session on January 4, 2000 at 6:00 P.M. in the Erin City Hall. Those present were Alderman Walter Dunn, Jerry Elliott, Randy Lewis, Martha Greenfield, Wanda Lockhart, Jimmy Lowery and William Price. Alderman Terry Lewis was absent due to his confinement in hospital. Well wishes were sent to him for a speedy recovery. Linda Bratschi-Recorder, Jennifer Roberts-Attorney, Frank Stavely-PWD, Donald Cooksey, Stella Keesee, Michael Davis, Martha Driver-Stewart-Houston Times and others that didn’t sign in. Mayor Rhyne T. Largent was present and presiding. MOTION by Lowery second by Lockhart to approve the minutes. All voted "AYE". Mayor Largent discussed Spring Street repair second phase was needed, the area next to the Methodist Church and up to the area repaired at the Marable residence. This area included utility lines, it is clogged up and it is difficult to give a cost estimate. It was discussed to use city labor as much as possible to keep the labor cost down. Everyone was interested in seeing the open area when uncovered. More discussion followed and the following action was taken. MOTION by Lowery second by Greenfield to expend up to $25,000.00 for the second phase of repair on Spring Street. All voted "AYE". Ms. Roberts said we were waiting for further information from the county concerning the Dispatching Contact. Mayor Largent said the bid on the copy machine is on State Bid and the city personnel have used it for a few weeks. It was decided to obtain additional bids including a lease price. Resolution 1-1-2000 was discussed and the following action was taken. MOTION by Lowery second by Greenfield to adopt Resolution 1-1-2000. Upon the call of the roll the following votes were given; Dunn, Lockhart and Price voting "NAY" and Elliott, Lewis, Greenfield, Lowery and Mayor Largent voting "AYE". Motion passed. Alderman Dunn requested a guardrail on Spring Street. Darrel Hamilton came before the board questioning the requirement of paying for sewer service and not being connected. Ms. Roberts attorney said anyone that is within 100 feet of the sewer line must connect within 30 days. This is a federal law and is included in the city code. In the past the city required that the customer pay for the service but didn’t make them connect, said Linda. Most of them connected, as they had to pay for the service. There should only be a very few customers that will need notice to connect. This will be taken care of. Mayor Largent handed out information on Metropolitan Government from Moore County. He explained his views of the pros and cons of metropolitan government and encouraged everyone to attend the next county meeting scheduled to discuss this further. MOTION by Greenfield second by Dunn to pay the bills. All voted "AYE". Donald Cooksey asked when the sign for Hensely-Midway Park would be ordered? Mayor Largent said we need the exact information for the sign. Donald will work on this. MOTION by Lowery second by Price to adjourn. All voted "AYE". APPROVE: ATTEST: _____________________________ _____________________________ Rhyne T. Largent-Mayor Linda Bratschi-Recorder

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