Houston County Tennessee A sportman's DreamHouston County Tennessee A sportman's Dream


ERIN PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2000-6:30 P.M. ERIN CITY HALL The Erin Planning Commission met in regular session on January 24, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Erin City Hall. Those present were: James Clark, Donald Cooksey, Mayor Largent, Wanda Lockhart, Paula Skelton, Terry Lewis, and Lori Pendergrass-recording secretary. Not in attendance were Brenda Clayton, Kerry Powell, Angela Fernandez-State Planner, and Robert Dillingham-Building Inspector. Guests were Mr. Sam Fussell, and Mr. Jamie Fussell. Chairman Roland Roby was present and presiding. Chairman Roby called the meeting to order . Motion was made by Mayor Largent, 2nd by Lewis to approve November 16, 1999 minutes. All voted “Aye Old Business: Jamie Fussell request to demolish 2 houses and fill in a portion of the flood plain to highway level on highway 13 next to the Classic Auto car lot. Mayor Largent made the motion to issue Jamie a permit to fill in according to the Corps of Engineers report, 2nd by Lewis. All voted “Aye”. New Business: Sam Fussell requests first to enclose a 12 foot area between two existing buildings on lot 14 on Main Street at the Peoples Telephone office. Motion was made by Lewis, 2nd by Cooksey to issue Sam a building permit. All voted “Aye” Next order of business: The issuance of a building permit to Sam Fussell for the purpose of building a new 2016 square foot brick building for the Houston County Animal Clinic to be located on the same lot the current Clinic is located. Sam assured Chairman Roby that he was aware of the set backs. Motion was made by Clark, 2nd by Lockhart to issue Sam a building permit. All voted “Aye” Mayor Largent gave the board a brief oversight of what is happening and may happen with the Metro Houston County Plan. An update on the Urban Growth Plan was given by Mayor Largent, he stated Erin has their part of the plan finished and thanked the board and Angela Fernandez for all their efforts in getting the Growth Plan in place. Motion to adjourn made by Lewis 2nd by Skelton. All voted “Aye” APPROVE : ATTEST: ___________________________ _________________________________ Chairman-Roland Roby Recording Secretary-Lori Pendergrass

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